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Has it been four weeks yet?

I forgot how frustratingly predictable, yet unpredictable retail can be. I can sit here for hours on end in my pristine palace without a soul in sight, but the second I find myself with something I have to do, or on a day when I didn’t have time to sweep, that’s when things fall into disrepair and everyone comes in all at once. Or I’ll have a particularly good sales day and feel, you know, hopeful for the future and whatnot, then the universe has to balance itself out and someone will come back with a return! Is that what they call Murphy's law?

It’s ridiculous. Let me see…..I’m feeling rather uninspired. At a time when I need to be putting myself out there I kind of want to retreat more than ever. I’m finding the social media aspect of things the most daunting. It’s hard to separate business from personal. I’m not an avid sharer in my regular life, so it’s hard to flip a switch and start inundating people daily with miscellany on a million different platforms. I would snicker at my grandparents when they would go on diatribes about how ‘the Facebook’ is up to no good and how does it know that I know this person? Etc, etc. I am that curmudgeon now, shaking my fist at Twitter and Instagram. Is there something I’m missing here? There are people on Instagram who have 5 pictures of a tree or something banal, and they’ll have 5000 followers. I’m starting to think half of Instagram is all porn spam accounts or something, because I’m just NOT getting it. Too tardy to the Instagram party I guess.

Another bugaboo of late is the business of networking! Having never had to do anything like this before, I am quite unpracticed to say the least. I feel like Eliza Doolittle, perhaps a little too crass and rough around the edges at times. I was out to dinner with someone the other night and was asked to name three interesting things about myself. Duuuuhhhhhh, what?? I couldn’t think of ANYTHING. NOTHING. Unbelievable. I’ve never thought of myself as an uninteresting person, have I been wrong all this time? I do not know how to play the game. These are things I should probably have ready to dispense at all times, concise little eloquent elevator pitches. Homework!

Happy Thanksgiving! xx

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