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So the dust has settled and reality has set in...

I guess I would be lying if I said it has been easy so far. It’s not all sunshine, lollipops and Instagram vignettes! It’s more like stress, loneliness and invoice statements. I suppose I never really expected it to be easy, but I am impatient. I’m in my fourth week now, the big hope was that come September the tides will change, people will be back from the cottage and life will be as it was. September will save all! I’m not so sure about that anymore. So far all September has delivered are personal set-backs and rainy Saturdays. My natural state is already pretty melancholy, so I need to work overtime to produce some positive energy or I’m going to be in trouble. I guess there is a lot of change happening all at once, which I typically welcome. I suppose one of the most difficult transitions has been settling into my new-ish life. As much as I like my new neighbourhood I don’t feel 100% settled in and comfortable here yet. Again, impatient.

I have to keep repeating ‘it’s only been 4 weeks…’ to myself over and over again like a mantra. But as the weeks go by that is going to become less and less comforting! I’m not throwing in the towel, I mean, it’s only been four weeks and all, but I need to strategize hard! I just don’t really know what I can do from inside the store. I’m here damn near 6 days a week for eight hours, but it somehow feels counterproductive. I can’t explain it, it’s not like I would be flying a plane over Port Credit trailing a Lakeshore Superette banner, but I feel like there is more I could and should be doing to drum-up some business. I should also mention, these things need to cost little to no money – that’s crucial. Suggestions? Thoughts?

The fortune cookie can see my potential!

Anyway, hopefully four weeks from now I will re-read this, shake my head and proclaim ‘what was I so worried about!?’ because everything worked itself out so nicely! Yep, that’s what is going to happen! Even if it doesn’t, I’ll tell you that it has anyway, so we can all feel better!

Until then. xx

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